Panic Mode, Self Destruction mode – The future of Mobile Phones.

Well I did watch the movie Mission Impossible 1,2 & 3. I am taking this to next level, I think it is high time for Mobile phones to have this feature of Self Destruction mode. Why? You should have heard about the excellent feature of Mobile tracker from Samsung. Wow –  Awesome, That Awesome didn’t… Continue reading Panic Mode, Self Destruction mode – The future of Mobile Phones.

mGinger Captcha Challenge, UserExperience

After a long time, I finally login to mGinger to find any thing interesting happening and wanted to know how much I had earned so far. There was an interesting promo to refer a friend, I did fell for the marketing stunt, so I choose the option as Orkut, because most friends at orkut don’t… Continue reading mGinger Captcha Challenge, UserExperience

How and When to charge lithium batteries

I always had the question when to charge the lithium batteries of my mobile and other fancy gadgets. Well seems like it is good to charge frequently when your lithium battery levels are almost 40% in charge. Don’t wait for the batteries to drain. Here is the article which I read few minutes ago, sounds… Continue reading How and When to charge lithium batteries

Easy ways to increase your Memory Power & getting productive

Here is one simple question? How many of you can remember your close or dearest friend’s Phone number? If you did, Can you remember one more of your close pal’s Phone number. The best part is most of us are used to high tech gadgets like the cell Phones or the PDA or the iphone… Continue reading Easy ways to increase your Memory Power & getting productive