What an Irony? “English”

This was a mobile forward from a known friend and it goes like this Unanswerable questions – You call it bra (sounding singular) even though it covers two items You call it panties (sounding plural) when it just covers one single item.What a foolish English people? Posted via email from vinod v v’s posterous

College Students, Bee a smart Lender – use LendBee

Photo Courtesy: Rosie Hardy Imagine countless books for reference on top of your semester books, Carrying them, taking care of them is a much pain. Here is a cool solution which will make you feel better Lendbee is a system which allows you to share books, CD, DVD, Movies, Magazines, Ebooks and those online manuals… Continue reading College Students, Bee a smart Lender – use LendBee

Singles Advertisements at its best

After a very long time I am seeing some funny advertisement which provoked me to go and look at what the site is all about. Three simple advertisements as follows really cool ads from neu.de This site never said a word about dating or singles, just the intension of an idea person. Technorati Tags: singles,… Continue reading Singles Advertisements at its best

Johnson baby’s soap VS Mother’s skin

What in the world has Baby’s soap got to do with Mother’s Skin or skin show off ads? First thing first My applause to the advertising company, for delivering an amazing television and hoarding advertisements on the same theme. Now to get to the Johnson’s company delivering babies soap.  Why do they want the hot,… Continue reading Johnson baby’s soap VS Mother’s skin

Spinning girl, right or left brain perception(SFW)

The spinning girl image can let you know which part of your brain works for you and how you perceive thing normally. Which way is she spinning for you? Clockwise or Anti Clockwise If clockwise you are using your right side of you brain. If anti clockwise you are using your left side of your… Continue reading Spinning girl, right or left brain perception(SFW)

Brazil vs Argentina – funny Ads

A friend of mine just sent me a forward mail. Thought, it would be good to share with all of you. Amazing advertisement Before the football match between Argentina and Brazil…, An Argentinean condom company came up with this advertisement to show the Brazilians what they were going to do to them Brazil won the… Continue reading Brazil vs Argentina – funny Ads

Aren’t tools making us dumb

Yeah, It is about WYSIWYG editors or IDE for most application we create.Yes I accept these tools help Productivity which is the major concern. I just want to explain how Indian (asians) learning methodology differs from the American way of education and it has go to do with the tools which make us dumb If… Continue reading Aren’t tools making us dumb

What it takes to float a SMS based advertiser company?

We have mGinger coming the big way and after few days of waiting period, the entry of SMS2India, and now comes adMAD or I would say there are more services be made available with the help of a small gadget. Here is what it takes to make a SMS advertising company a SIM card from… Continue reading What it takes to float a SMS based advertiser company?

Rediff Mailer – spelling

It is good to send occasional mailers to tap new or renew business, but not with spelling mistakes, Often it happens with visual designers they just madly copy the text and paste on photoshop (they don’t read the text), I have made similar mistakes. Once my Manager said, so times spelling errors could give a… Continue reading Rediff Mailer – spelling

Programmer meet Designer

I remember my X  Boss would ask me whether he could get reliable freelancers for short term project and we would be calling up friends to check on the designers or developers. Seems like the end of nagging your pals and a start of a new search on the web Now you could partner with… Continue reading Programmer meet Designer