Photography table top set up shared

Two days ago there was a power failure at my locality, I knew it was regular 2 hour power cut, so I had to kill time or rather make it creative. Now for the set up My room was dark, Things I had Canon EOS 500D Canon 18-55MM F3.5 – 5.6 Canon speedlite 580EX Cactus… Continue reading Photography table top set up shared

Night Photography, Long Exposures

Shot with Olympus 500UZ While I was returning home from my office I saw lightning, so I decided to take few shot of the same after I reach home, but the nature cheated on me. It was windy but few lightning were happening randomly, but was not up to my expectation so I decided to… Continue reading Night Photography, Long Exposures

check out the new facebook layout

I have been wondering why the url had subdomain called “new” and it turned out that Facebook is trying out a new layout. A nice way to gain acceptance from users to try out old layout to new layout. If people still stick on the old design the designers at facebook know that their design… Continue reading check out the new facebook layout

College Students, Bee a smart Lender – use LendBee

Photo Courtesy: Rosie Hardy Imagine countless books for reference on top of your semester books, Carrying them, taking care of them is a much pain. Here is a cool solution which will make you feel better Lendbee is a system which allows you to share books, CD, DVD, Movies, Magazines, Ebooks and those online manuals… Continue reading College Students, Bee a smart Lender – use LendBee

FaceBook killer – Bravo Google Friend Connect

Seems like Google wants to embrace the non social networking sites to be part of social networking sites. If you thought Myspace, Ning and Facebook made a killing, Please welcome the new Kid on the Block – Google Friend Connect. Do check the introduction video for more elaborate answers. I see a lot of traffic… Continue reading FaceBook killer – Bravo Google Friend Connect

FaceBook – now getting spammed

I just received a notification on my Facebook, a friend of mine just wrote this on my Super Wall application. Attention all Facebook membeRs. Facebook is recently becoming very overpopulated, There have been many members complaining that Facebook is becoming very slow.Record shows that the reason is that there are too many non-active Facebook members… Continue reading FaceBook – now getting spammed