Dreamweaver good bye, YAML Welcome

YAML is the the new way of designing web layouts. Adhering  to the Web standards Support of major browsers WYSIWYG options. When my title said Dreamweaver goodbye, I meant only for creating layouts, YAML compliments Adobe Dreaweaver. If you are a web designer or a web developer, kindly take a test drive on the YAML Builder.… Continue reading Dreamweaver good bye, YAML Welcome

Aren’t tools making us dumb

Yeah, It is about WYSIWYG editors or IDE for most application we create.Yes I accept these tools help Productivity which is the major concern. I just want to explain how Indian (asians) learning methodology differs from the American way of education and it has go to do with the tools which make us dumb If… Continue reading Aren’t tools making us dumb

Trailfire firefox extension

If you are using trailfire firefox extension and when you are about to browse gmail there is a memory leak (something like firebug error), after I uninstalled trailfire extension things became normal There could other reason like there is a conflict with other firefox extension. so be careful Technorati Tags: trailfire, extenstion, firefox, browser, bug,… Continue reading Trailfire firefox extension

Google and Yahoo product Integration by loc.alize.us

There are lot of software products which gets integrated with in the same company  or some add functionality  to the other, This product seems to be unique, the reason, it takes really pain to integrate 2 service based products from 2 different compaines  (google maps and Yahoo’s flickr) to provide a unique service. It is… Continue reading Google and Yahoo product Integration by loc.alize.us

The man I adore

Well at the age of 59 how many of us will be tweaking the codes or even writing codes. One great inspiration for people who are lazy like me, he is Stu Nicholls This gentleman has pioneered in css that he has developed numerous menus, layouts and most of which are browser independent. Well if… Continue reading The man I adore